Connecting At The Orchard
The Spiritual Journey is one that has never been meant to be walked alone. As we seek to grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord, it is important that we do so in community. God has indeed created us to thrive in community.
We know it can be easy to feel isolated or alone even in the midst of many. Our desire at The Orchard is that as a group we would be growing closer to God and closer to one another. Whether connecting comes easily for your or is more difficult, it is important. And there is mutual responsibility...on the part of the church and each individual.
That being said, we have a "Connection Pathway" to help you become connected to The Orchard and The Orchard to you. Each step on this path (described below) will help you to connect in different ways and at different levels to The Orchard and those who call it home. We invite you to join us...one step at a time.
Welcome cafe

A great first step! Take the opportunity to connect with one of the pastors after the service to enjoy a light snack and ask any questions you may have. The Welcome Cafe takes place right at the church near the Family Ministry Entrance on the last Sunday of every month. No need to even sign up. Just stop by!
around the table
Around the Table is a great opportunity to connect with a couple families over a meal together. It's a casual dinner hosted by and served in the home of an Orchard family. Bring your appetite and enjoy the evening. Occurring in the middle of the month, the exact date and time is chosen by that month's host. Details can be found in the weekly bulletin and on the events calendar.

connect group

The Connect Group is designed to help you connect with a few families as, together, you connect with the weekly message. This group meets weekly in the home of a family to discuss the previous Sunday's message. Get to know others at The Orchard as you discuss the main idea of the message. More dialogue than class, revisit the questions: "What did the passage of the Bible say? What does it mean? How are we to apply it in our lives?"
getting planted

In this step, officially partner with us at The Orchard. Getting Planted is our membership class. Offered quarterly, it takes place over two consecutive Sundays after the service. Each section is about an 1.5 hours and is led by one of the elders and one of the pastors. During this time you will be helped to discover your Spiritual Gifting and opportunities to serve alongside others at The Orchard. Please check with the church office about when the next Getting Planted is offered.